Get to know why Ecommerce brands love

Read the stories of brands that saved up to 70% of what they paid to shipment carriers;
of those that automated their post-purchase journeys and walked
the last mile of customer satisfaction in ease.

How RedShift streamlined returns and boosted customer engagement with a 77% open rate for return notifications
How Branch drove post-purchase delight and reduced WISMO enquiries by 37%
How PacknWood automated 70% of their customer support using order status notifications
Epokhe – an Australian Eyewear Brand that Saved 95% Costs on Return Label Generation

Make your post-purchase journey

Are you a brand owner who has an interesting story for the world to know? Do you use to breeze through your ecommerce logistics? Then we’d love to shine some well deserved spotlight on your brand. Get in touch with us now, and you can be our next feature!

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